Legumes: 7 preventive tips against bloating

Tip 1: Small varieties to choose

Smaller legumes, as well as the lessons seedlings – usually better tolerated than large ones.

Tip 2: soak water and canning liquid to discard

When Soaking dried legumes whose flatulent ingredients go into the soaking water. Who has a strong tendency to flatulence, should not use the soaking water to continue. The same also applies for the liquid in canned food.

Even more difficult-to-digest ingredients, you can remove if you rinse the legumes after the Draining of the soak water or the canning liquid thoroughly.

Tip 3: cooking water exchange

During the subsequent Cooking, you can reduce the flatulent ingredients, by replacing the cooking water half way through the cooking time. What is important is that the newly added water is hot – otherwise the pulses on burst.

Why cause legumes actually bloating?

This is due to the high proportion of indigestible carbohydrates: Up to ten percent of the carbohydrates in legumes is attributable to oligosaccharides, which our digestive system is not split can.

Thus, the oligosaccharides undigested into the colon, where gut bacteria break them down. This creates carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen – typical components of intestinal gases.

Tip 4: bicarbonate of soda to the cooking water

Baking soda (or sodium carbonate) bicarbonate is a proven home remedy, which is, for example, in baking powder is. If you put it into the cooking water of peas, beans, lentils & Co., type, stores it in its cell walls, so that they soften. This makes the legumes easier to digest.

Tip 5: season it well

Add after Cooking, quiet, generous herbs and/or spices (just cumin may also cook): Also helps to avoid bloating after eating. That flavored legumes are better tolerated, is to various properties of the herbs and spices due to the – so some, for example, can:

  • through the bitter substances increase appetite (like rosemary and mugwort),
  • the gastric activities (such as pepper),
  • the formation of bile is stimulated and the digestion of fat promote (such as onions and garlic),
  • Bloating and other gastrointestinal complaints relieve (such as caraway, fennel, anise, cumin, marjoram, and savory) or
  • the intestinal flora favorably affect (such as ginger and garlic).

Tip 6: legumes puree

If you puree the cooked legumes, to break their cell walls: the digestive system has an easier game and the meal is easier to digest.

Tip 7: quantity to increase slowly

If legumes were up to now only a few on your dining plan and you want to change that now, get used to your digestive tract slowly to the change in food. You start with a small amount (e.g., 1 tablespoon) and increase them from meal to meal. New microorganisms, which can degrade the waste materials, so have plenty of time in the intestines.


Online information of the German Federal centre for nutrition: www.bzfe.de (retrieval date: 3.12.2019)

Competence centre for nutrition (KErn) at the Bavarian state Institute for agriculture (ed.): Legumes: Small power packs – versatile and contemporary. Online information from the core: www.kern.bayern.de (August 2018)

For More Information

Onmeda-Reading Tips:

  • Unpleasant Winds? What is it about Farts & Flatulence should know
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  • Why lentils are so healthy
  • From anise to cinnamon: 7 spices that act like medicines
  • Forum diet & Diets: Exchange online


*The contribution of “legumes: 7 preventive tips against bloating” is published by Onmeda. Contact with the executives here.