When is the CT really necessary?

I need tatsätake the investigation? Some patients füthe radiation fear. An expert für computer tomography (CT) klärt

CT-examination: Modern computer tomography often look futuristic. Nevertheless, benöyou need Röntgenstra misconduct für the pictures

Professor Konstantin Nikolaou is science coordinator of the German Röntgengesellschaft. He is head of the Department für Diagnostic and Interventional radiology at the University hospital of Tübingen. We have questioned him on the subject of computer tomography.

Professor Nikolaou, what CT makes investigations so awkward?

In the computer tomography R&ouml come;ntgenstra miss. So nat&uuml goes;of course, a certain radiation-related risk associated. ­However, we speak here of a so-called low-dose. The average dose per CT is about 4.5 Milli-sievert. For comparison: In Germany, &shy is;every person jäannually a natünatural radiation, from an average of 2.1 millisievert exposed to.

How gefäa year R&ouml is;ntgenstra misconduct üin General?

From the experiences with the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Naga­saki weiß you that at a radiation dose of 1000 Milli­sievert a fünfprozentiges risk für is a radiation-induced Tumor. This burden, however, is 200 times höas in the case of a Standard CT. Grundsäin addition, the method is only sensitive, if one uses it medically wrong.

Is there the risk that it will be used in the wrong way?

This risk is grundsäin addition, it should be very low. Because before any investigation gepr&uuml is;ft, if you für the patient tatsäactually makes sense. The specially-trained radiologist and not just the referring doctor. This is done in close cooperation with the attending colleagues. We radiologists prüfen with the help of all verfüavailable patient data very carefully whether the Benefits of the investigation, a möa major risk überwiegt.

How many CT examinations ­be made in Germany?

According to the Federal office für radiation protection, there were in the year 2014 in Germany 140 million Röntgenanwendungen. Of these, 6.5 million are to be attributed to CT Scans, which account for two-thirds of the total medical radiation exposure. Overall, the Trend to more cross-sectional imaging, i.e. CT and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

According to a study, many CT Scans unn&ouml are;tig. How do you see that?

There is certainly a Trend to Überdiagnose. So, for example, in the case of Rühide pain like pictures of the Lendenwirbelsäule made. In the first few weeks of the pain phase, but little, if no neurological Ausfälle occur. In the case of non-specific low back pain of a few weeks duration and no evidence of complications or underlying disease, you can do without imaging studies.

They believe that the Hausädoctors the CT risks?

There are various studies. One of them, for example, shows that Kinderäthe radiation dose from the radio some doctors in the logical investigations, at least in the Hähalf of the Fälle correctly einschäsupport. Other studies suggest, however, that Hausädoctors are often not informed sufficiently. Therefore, I find that the topic of radiation protection and strain in the ämedical training stäamplifier berübe taken into account mübiggest.

Children are stäamplifier gefährdet?

Yes, absolutely. The radiation risk is not the same for everyone. It hädepends on the radiation sensitivity of the tissue and from the Lebens­age. A radiation damage occurs when üin General, only with a Verzödelay of 10 to 20 years. This forces us, in the case of children zurüto be cautious, and more on ultrasound or MRI zurückzugreifen. A CT scan in children in General, only if it is really unavoidable, such as in Notfäcases.

What is the CT power in the medicine so indispensable?

The method provides the anatomy three-dimensionally in a very good rävolumetric Auflösung is. With modern CT-Geräten seconds goes quickly, and the diagnostic information is extremely high. In the case of the stroke – and Lungendia­Gnosticism, as well as in certain tumor studies, some of the classic examples of the CT-procedure, überwiegt you Use damage is usually many times any Rays. In the end, CT can save lives, but you you must use them correctly.

What would you recommend to the patient?

The Patient should ask why the investigation durchgefüis hrt and whether there are Alternatives. It is important that he säall of the prior studies and previous reports. It would make sense in a R&ouml is;ntgenpass, in all of the studies listed. So let unnöterm double examinations can be avoided.

On The Subject Of

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In the computer tomography (CT) generates detailed cross-sectional images of the human

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