Allied artists

We like to honor celebrity moms a lot around here, because they do a lot, of course. But we always complain that male actors who are dads don’t get asked how they “do it all,” so we’ll give them equal attention here too. Everyone from Best Supporting Oscar winner Brad Pitt to presenter Oscar Isaac had to rely on hired help, partners and/or exes in order to balance their family life with their demanding careers, too.

That’s our intellectual rationale for this slideshow, anyway. Don’t let anyone tell you we’re doing this just because we wanted an excuse to gaze at more photos of Mahershala Ali and Taika Waititi again. This is purely out of fairness, people. And that’s why you’re looking at it too, isn’t it?

In all seriousness, it does add something to Mark Ruffalo’s sexiness to imagine him taking his kids to the playground and volunteering with the PTA. OMG, do you think Denzel Washington ever did family day at school? This gives so much more meaning to their performances!

Taika Waititi

Best screenplay winner Taika Waititi probably has his two kids to thank for how well he worked with the children in Jojo Rabbit.

Michael Strahan

We have no idea why Michael Strahan was at the Academy Awards, but maybe his four kids do.

Brad Pitt

How does a man with six kids accomplish as much as Brad Pitt has? (Well, that’s a complicated one…)

Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac and wife Elvira left a new baby and toddler at home to go to the Academy Awards. Date night!

Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington got to see John David Washington, his oldest of four kids, make the awards show rounds last year. But dad’s still got it.

Antonio Banderas

Antonio Banderas brought daughter Stella to the show.

Mahershala Ali

Mahershala Ali’s daughter has always grown up with an Oscar-winning dad.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is everyone’s dad, but also legit, still a hot dad. Wait, that sounded weird. 


Why was Eminem at the Oscars? We’ll stop asking. But if his daughters want to tell us, we’re listening.

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