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In short: A tick can not jump, and you can’t go home fall tricky from a tree in a forest of walkers. No, ticks live in the Grass, in bushes, on shrubs, in 10 to 50 centimeters in height, and be stripped in passing on the body of the people.

Ticks are not insects, but belong to the mites and the spiders. They have a proboscis by which they suck blood, that is, they bite. Ticks will be starting at a temperature of six to eight degrees Celsius active. Therefore, the season can start already in mild winters and in the late autumn stop. The greatest risk of tick trick, however, is in the summer, when people spend especially lot of time Outdoors and little protective clothing.

Ticks occur in all of Germany, especially the common wood tick, Ixodes ricinus. When the animal enters the body, it first of all a suitable place for Piercing, this can take hours to days. Therefore, it is advisable to the body after a walk in the woods thoroughly to search, because the tick has sucked, perhaps, yet no blood.

Risks of tick trick

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The stitch itself is not dangerous, but can be transferred in certain cases pathogens to humans, mainly Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).

The disease is caused by bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics, especially when detected early. One of the possible symptoms can be redness around the puncture site around the larger. TBE, a severe brain or meningeal inflammation, in turn, is caused by viruses. Here is a vaccine available for years.

How often are the bacteria or viruses present in ticks, however, varies from Region to Region in Germany. The Robert Koch Institute in Berlin provides information on both infectious diseases and also a map of the risk areas for TBE.

The in-depth article by Astrid I did not practise, you will find in the Bulletin p. m. questions & Answers, Edition 06/2020.

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