Welcome to our weekly Move of the Week series. Every Monday, we’ll be sharing with you one of our favourite exercises – how to do them, what muscles they work and why they should be a regular part of your workout regime. This week: front and lateral raises.
We believe that compound exercises are the foundation of any training routine. But in order to support your big lifts, you have to include some isolation exercises in your training. If you’re only bench pressing and bent over rowing you’ll be building the large, powerful muscles like your pecs and lats – but might struggle when it comes to stability and endurance, aka the foundation of posture and daily movements.
That’s why shoulder isolation is so important. Particularly of the anterior and lateral delts – the two muscles that aren’t often targetted in the big upper body lifts. The front and lateral raise changes all of that.
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What is a front to lateral raise?
The front to lateral raise is an alternate superset exercise. You raise one arm in front of you while the other raises to the side, then swap.
The exercise is great because:
It improves mobility: by building strength in a deep range of motion.
It improves posture: strong delts stabilise the shoulder joints which can stop you from rounding forwards.
It can enhance other training: build up your strength in these supporting muscles to improve other lifts.
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A front and lateral raises work these areas of the upper body:
- Anterior deltoid (front of the shoulder)
- Lateral deltoid (side of the shoulder)
- Reverse deltoid (back of the shoulder)
- Pecs (chest)
- Trapezius (top of the shoulder)
- Abdominals
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How to do a front to lateral raise
- Stand tall with your feet well planted on the floor and hold a light dumbbell in each hand.
- Brace your core, roll your shoulders back and down as you raise your arms without bouncing your legs.
- Your right arm should raise to your right-hand side until it’s parallel with the floor, in line with your shoulder. Don’t bend your elbow.
- Your left arm should raise in front of you, again until it’s parallel with the floor and in line with your shoulder.
- Slowly lower both arms and then swap sides – take your left arm to the side and right arm straight out in front.
Images: Stylist
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