Whole Foods Market is taking a cue from high-end clean beauty retailers with its Better Beauty Swap program, debuting next week during the Amazon-owned natural grocery chain’s annual Beauty Week.
From March 27 through April 2, customers at five Whole Foods stores in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Los Angeles can bring in one empty beauty or body care product and swap it out for a limited-edition Whole Foods Market Beauty Bag, free of charge. There are two versions of the Beauty Bag to choose from — Self-Care Sunday and All Day Beautiful — and each contains 14 beauty products from brands in the retailer’s Whole Body department, including Acure, Thayers, Burt’s Bees, Andalou, Weleda, Dr. Hauschka, Pacifica, Derma E and Yes To. The totes, which were made in partnership with Queen Alaffia — a brand that supports women artisans in West Africa — are valued at $100 retail.
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