Sir Elton John: ‘I’m in top health’ – star’s claim after turbulent health history

Elton John tells Lorraine Kelly that he’s ‘in pain most of the time’

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In the summer of 2021, John revealed that he was in “pain most of the time” after falling “awkwardly” and hurting his hip. Leaving him unable to get in and out of a car or move sideways, the star was forced to postpone his Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour tour until he was “100 percent fit”. Having suffered from numerous health conditions in recent years, when pictured in a wheelchair fans were understandably concerned. However, despite his frail appearance, John maintained that he is in “top health” ahead of various performances.

Taking to Instagram, the 75-year-old singer posted a caption that read: “I want to thank all my fans for reaching out to ask about my health, after the tabloids ran a silly story about my ‘looking frail’ in a wheelchair.

“The true story is that I’m in top health, loving my shows and playing and singing at my very best.

“I give 100 percent every night and never want to disappoint, especially after everyone has waited so long to get back to seeing shows. Your response to every show has been phenomenal and I’m loving every minute of it.

“After another rousing 2.5 hour show, we arrived at Leipzig airport just before curfew, to find part of the airport had closed.

“It was an extremely long walk to get to the plane, so my team kindly laid on a wheelchair so I could rest my hip after doing the show. That’s all folks.”

This was not the first time the star has been spotted using a wheelchair, as back in 2019 after suffering from a sprained ankle the singer took to the device, again stirring up rumours about his welfare.

However, adamant not to disappoint, the star released the following statement at the time, when he was due to visit the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy: “Not even a sprained ankle could keep me away from seeing one of the most beautiful museums in the world.”

After injuring his hip, the star underwent “intensive” physio and specialist treatment in order to curb his pain, which as of last year didn’t seem to be working.

Speaking about the postponement of his tour at the time, John said: “The pain has continued to get worse and is leading to increasing difficulties moving. I wouldn’t be 100 percent fit – I wouldn’t be 100 percent confident because I’m in pain most of the time.

“I can’t move sideways, I can’t get in and out of a car. I don’t know, with a year and a half of touring, how long my hip would last – it probably wouldn’t.”

With his hip seemingly holding out this year, but the star still taking caution not to over-do anything, John has seemingly added another to a long list of ailments he has overcome during his career which has included COVID-19, prostate cancer and an infection that left him 24-hours from death.

After coming off of a South American tour back in 2017, John described that he was feeling “worse than [he] ever had in [his] life”. After being rushed to hospital and having a scan, the star was told that the hospital didn’t have the sufficient equipment needed to deal with his illness.

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“I was told that my condition was so serious, the hospital didn’t have the equipment to cope with it,” he recalled when writing about the ordeal in his autobiography Me. “I had to be moved to the London Clinic… By 2.30pm, I was on the operating table, having more lymphatic fluid drained – this time from my diaphragm.

“For two days afterwards, I was in intensive care. When I came round, they told me I’d contracted a major infection in South America, and that they were treating it with massive intravenous doses of antibiotics.”

With his husband David Furnish being told he was 24-hours from death, John was extremely lucky to have survived. The star added: “I literally had to learn to walk again. I was extremely sick. Luckily I survived it. Now I am fine. But there are very few bits of me left!”

Making light of his ill health, the star went on to list the number of battles he has faced. He said: “There is no hair, a pacemaker, there are no tonsils, there is no prostate, there is no appendix. I have had kidney stones. I am like the Bionic Woman.”

In another scrape with death, this time back in 2012, John became seriously ill with a respiratory infection, the following year he was diagnosed with appendicitis that saw him need urgent surgery. At the time John revealed that he easily could have died.

He said: “I knew I was sick but I didn’t know I had such a dangerous thing inside of me until I had a scan, which was after nine shows, 24 flights and a summer ball. I could have easily died.”

Other minor ailments over the years that have forced the star to cancel shows include an ear infection in 2018 and a show in Verona, Italy due to having the flu.

All of the star’s health problems have been extremely serious, but with a desire to carry on and finish his tour, which will be when he turns 76, the star is adamant to make the most of the “time he has left on his earth”.

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