The 20-minute workout: The full-body skipping rope workout

illustration of woman skipping

Skipping is just for little girls and playgrounds, right? Wrong.

This hugely fun and functional exercise is fantastic for working out, improving endurance, and boosting your footwork and coordination – there’s a reason boxers swear by it.

So, bringing a skipping rope into your weekly workout can really take things to the next level.

Designed by Anthony Mayatt, personal trainer and owner of Breathe Fitness, this workout will have you pushing both on the cardio front, and in terms of your strength. And the best news is that it only takes 20 minutes to complete.

‘In this latest workout we focus on the skipping rope mixed with bodyweight exercises,’ says Anthony.

‘The video you’ll see below will show the workout in a Tabata style (20 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds), but you can choose to increase these for a longer workout.;

So grab your skipping rope, find some space, stick on your favourite tunes and workout as follows:

  • Skipping
  • Squats
  • Skipping
  • Lunges
  • Skipping
  • Jumping squats
  • Skipping
  • Jumping lunges

This is a short but intense workout that will really get your heart rate up:


Stand with your feet roughly hip width and drop your hips back and down as if sitting in a chair.

Squeeze glutes and push back to the starting position using your heels.


Stand upright with feet together, take a big step forwards with one leg then drop the back knee towards the ground.

Return to the start and swap legs.

Jumping squats

Stand with your feet roughly hip width and drop your hips back and down as if sitting in a chair.

Squeeze glutes and push up into a jump through the heels then land straight into the next squat.

Jumping lunges

Stand upright and take a large step backwards with one foot. Lower the back knee towards the floor then with the front leg drive upwards into a jump.

Swap legs mid jump and land back in the lunge and continue.

With your skipping technique, do whichever suits you best. You may prefer alternating legs over both jumping together and that’s perfectly OK.

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