Type-2 diabetes symptoms: This one sign could indicate your blood sugar levels are rising

According to the NHS, type-2 diabetes is a lifelong condition which causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to increase.

In order to reduce symptoms, those who suffer from the condition must take medication and have regular check-ups.

Signs to look out for include weight loss, fatigue and extreme thirst.

But there’s one thing you must always keep an eye on as it could indicate your blood sugar levels are rising.

Noticing a change in your eyes is an early sign of type-2 diabetes, according to Diabetes UK.

The changing of fluid levels in the body due to blood glucose level changes the shape of the eye and their ability to focus.

An excess of sugar in the blood damages the tiny blood vessels in eyes.

A type-2 diabetes sufferer who leaves this condition untreated could cause damage to the blood vessels which could make a permanent vision loss happen.

“Blurring vision may also occur as a result of very low blood sugar levels”

Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK says: “High levels of blood sugar resulting from diabetes can affect your ability to see by causing the lens inside the eye to swell, which can result in temporary blurring of the eyesight.

“Blurring vision may also occur as a result of very low blood sugar levels. If your blood sugar levels are fluctuating over time, you may notice that your vision improves and worsens for periods of time.”

You might find that your vision is blurry because fluid is leaking into the lens of your eye.

Macular edema is the build-up of fluid in the macula (an area in the centre of the retina) which could lead to vision loss.

This fluid can cause your vision to become more blurred over time.

If you’re worried about developing type-2 diabetes, it’s advised to visit your local GP.

The NHS states that you’re more at risk of developing type-2 diabetes if you:

1. Are over 40 – or 25 for south Asian people

2. Have a close relative with the condition

3. Are overweight or obese

4. Are of south Asian, Chinese, African Caribbean or black African origin – even if you were born in the UK

  • Type-2 diabetes

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