Depression frequently occur. Approximately every fourth woman and every eighth man are affected in the course of their lives from the disease. Usually, different factors interact in the Emergence of a Depression. Doctors there are roughly two factors which favour the Emergence of the disease: psycho-social aspects (for example, a loss of experience), and neuro-biological aspects, such as a genetic predisposition.
The case of the patient, of which this Podcast is, particularly because their disease was the result of a single physical cause. A doctor was able to help the woman after eight years of disease. In the case of a simple investigation, he discovered the true cause of their suffering. After a few months with the right treatment, the disease symptoms disappeared. The woman who spoke last, and delivery, is now healthy again.
The Podcast “The diagnosis” with Dr. Anika Geisler every two weeks – on Audio Now, the new platform of RTL Radio Deutschland, and on Spotify and iTunes. So far have appeared in the series:
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