Just no shaking hands! The best alternatives welcome methods and what is the etiquette says

Many people refrain due to the Coronavirus to give hands on meeting. Instead, innovative, or fun Alternatives can be used. A few suggestions for a greeting without a handshake – in the office or in the circle of friends. Thus, even in times of Coronavirus, the courtesy does not stay on the track.

Alternative to the classic handshake

Elbow to elbow, splash with the feet, hold the hat or cap,

Po to Po, Nod, Wink, finger guns, or the Vulcan greeting from Star Trek.

Shake hands – that’s what the etiquette says

Linda Kaiser, Vice-Chairman of the German Knigge-Gesellschaft e. V. recommends: if you want to pass on a handshake, to say this to the opportunity before him is stretched out a Hand in welcome. Who does not want to do without it, should first ask whether the shaking of hands was not possible. It is currently, but it is also an outstretched Hand allowed to be rejected. Provisions have precedence over courtesy.

The best protection is to wash your hands

No matter which greeting you choose, the best tip against Corona remains: frequently, and wash hands thoroughly. When washing your hands is one of the most important single measures in order to protect themselves from infection.