Juul stops sale of certain flavored E-cigarettes

The controversial US-provider Juul Labs has stopped the sale of flavoured E-cigarettes with fruit taste in the United States. After the company had suspended sales to the retail sector under high pressure from supervisors already, set it on Thursday and also Online sales through its Website for the time being. Juul comes to the supervision authority, the FDA previously, the cases currently because of an E-cigarette epidemic among U.S. teenagers and death in connection with the products, measures prepared.

The tastes of Mango, fruit, cucumber and cream would initially be offered, with shared Juul Labs on Thursday. Sold on the flavors of tobacco, mint and Menthol are but.

The US health authorities are working on new regulations for E-cigarettes. President Donald Trump had already “announced a very strict” rules and the use of E-cigarettes as a “big Problem” referred to. The US government has announced a ban of flavored liquids for E-cigarettes. In force it is not entered yet.

E-cigarette in the visor

Juul said that the industry must gain “the trust of society” and with the authorities and the politicians do not work together, so that minors have access to the E-cigarette.

Electric cigarettes, in which nicotine-containing liquid is evaporated, have gained in the past years, the world enormously in popularity. Recently, a number of lung diseases and death, however, was in the U.S. cases associated with the Smoking of E-cigarettes in conjunction. The US authorities are now talking of at least 33 deaths and almost 1500 diseases. The cause for the lung damage was still unclear, says a press release from the US health authority CDC. All of the patients had, however, indicated to have E-cigarettes or “Vaping”products are used. Recently, there had been indications that THC products could also play a role. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is in Cannabis, and is mainly used for the intoxicating effect of the drug responsible.

In Germany and also in Europe a similar increase of lung damage is not yet known. The complaints seem to be limited almost exclusively to users in the United States – Canada Association were called isolated cases. In Germany, the compositions of the active ingredients of E are regulated-cigarettes more strictly than in the United States.

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