What is so bad about a nasal spray?

The drug, which comes most frequently in Germany over the pharmacy counter, is neither a headache nor is it helps against gastro-intestinal complaints. It is a nasal spray containing the active ingredient Xylometazoline, which makes the mucous membranes swelling and so with a cold nose free.

It is only the four best-selling “Xylo”Sprays, this comes to 50 million sold packs in Germany per year.

The funds will not be used merely from the common cold that plagues just a cold. But also of people who have become by a habituation effect, dependent and without the Spray a permanently stuffy nose. It is estimated that around 100,000 people in Germany are affected.

How this comes about – and how the withdrawal works, explains Achim bump from the clinic for ear, nose and throat medicine at the University hospital of Münster.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. bump, I have a cold and want to the nose get free. Something speaks against a Xylometazoline Spray?

Bump: in the Short term, not in a cold increases the Spray’s quality of life. It keeps the nose for six to eight hours. You can survive the day, in the evening, it makes it easier to fall Asleep. The drops are there, with low active ingredient concentration, even for children as young as two years: This is also a relief for the parents, if the caught a cold the child is sleeping better at night.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: What is the Problem?

Bump: The Sprays ensure that the nasal mucous membranes, reduction of swelling. Unfortunately, they have a habituation effect: Takes someone longer than a week, several times a day, to swell the mucous membrane permanently and closes the nose. So, will continue to be sprayed. It no longer goes without.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: there Is the typical Xylo-patients?

Bump: men are affected more often than women. And in almost all is a Problem, the more difficult the breathing, for example, a crooked nasal septum. If you have a cold, nothing more then just.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: compared to other addictions appears to be a dependence on nasal spray is still relatively harmless. Why is it at all problematic?

Bump: The olfactory functions suffers, what is the sense of taste is impaired. The world is a bit grey. The mucus from skin, dries with time, which increases susceptibility to colds. The nose may become clean also poor and is often inflamed. Some Sufferers develop a chronic inflammation of the nasal sinuses. Some suffer from a so-called Post-Nasal Drip: a tough Secretions from the nose into the throat to be running on a regular basis.

MIRROR ONLINE: the Disappearance of the discomfort, if you from the Spray to get away?

Bump: The Post-Nasal-Drip remains, even after a successful nose spray withdrawal sometimes are. Unfortunately, you can hardly do anything about it. A further possible consequence: Xylometazoline reduces the blood circulation in the nose and also the nasal cartilage. This cartilage can die off of tissue and, for example, a hole in the nasal septum arise. The nose bag can back, so a saddle nose occurs. Who is affected by these serious consequences, is really sick.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: How is it possible, in front of all these complications away from the nasal spray?

Bump: If you only been half a year of spraying, is cold Turkey the Best. The works mostly.


Bump: To see me in the clinic, the cases, the intensive need of help, psychologically and medically. Patients within six weeks to three or four dates and take in the weaning phase, two more drugs. As a first step, a nose spray that contains cortisone. It makes the mucous membranes of swelling. Most of the patients get after only about five days of better air. Its full effect is based on this Spray, but only over several weeks. In addition, the patients take a so-called antihistamine, an Allergy medication. It cooperates with the cortisone anti-inflammatory.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: How is it with typical household remedies for a stuffy nose?

Bump: I also recommend a nasal douche to try. To rinse the nose with salt water, the mucous membranes swell up reliably for about half an hour. Time enough for many of the evening, with free nose to fall asleep. About 80 percent of the patients using the nasal douche. There are to buy pre-packaged amounts of Salt, so you dosed it right.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: And then the people Concerned with the Xylo-Spray easy off?

Bump: as soon As you realize that you get more air, spray first in one nostril. About a week later, the Spray is stopped. I recommend deleting the next to the antihistamine. Later, is then not to use the cortisone Spray.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: How many create withdrawal?

Bump: About 80 to 90 percent of my patients are after six weeks away from the Xylometazoline.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: there Are relapses?

Bump: Unfortunately, Yes. Patients have to do without for colds first of all on Xylo-spray. If you do not, the habituation effect quickly, the addiction is back.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Would it not make sense, more in front of the addiction potential of the medium to warn?

Bump: I have my doubts. It warned against so many things, you need to look on cigarette packs. The people smoke anyway!

SPIEGEL ONLINE: And a prescription?

Bump: In countries where the Xylometazoline prescription is the Addiction to rare before.