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Anyone who suffers from headaches, the want to get rid of everything as quickly as possible. However, not every remedy will help against every headache. However, There are also many home remedies to help against headache. Important for the self-treatment is to know which type of headache one suffers: While often a walk works wonders, is popular with migraine alone.

The most common are stress headaches. It is double-sided, dull-pressing headache that feels light to medium. Other accompanying symptoms do not occur here. “Such a headache to know a lot of people”, says private lecturer Dr. Charly Gaul, Secretary-General of the German migraine and headache society.

Tension headaches vs. migraines

Because the pain is not tension headaches so intense and well with over-the-counter drugs to treat can, most of the people in order not to the doctor. It is different in the case of a migraine. “This is the headache, the Affected person leads most frequently to a medical treatment,” says Gaul. Migraine around eight per cent of men and 15 percent of women suffering in Germany.

The intense headache occurs almost always on one side. He often starts from the nape of the neck or behind one eye, and then radiates over the skull half. The pain intensified with time, and throbs or pulsates. “Typical accompanying symptoms are light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, Nausea, and sometimes vomiting”, says the expert. The attacks last from a half day up to three days.

Home remedies for tension headaches

A severe type of headache called Cluster headache is also. It usually occurs in the middle of the night. The attacks don’t last as long as a migraine, namely about 30 to 180 minutes. Is accompanied by the headache that occurs nearly always on the same page, of watery eyes, a runny nose, and a strong agitation. The strongest point of Pain is usually behind the eye.

If the head pain is only moderate and in motion, not reinforced, suffers it is probably under tension-type headaches. In this subtype of headache home remedies are particularly effective. “Walks and exercise in the fresh air will help, in many cases,” says the expert. The majority of Affected individuals also feel a relief, if you apply peppermint oil on both temples and the nape of the neck. In the case of tension headaches also, heat can be very helpful to relax the muscles, for example, by a cherry stone pillows or red light. (Also read: Frozen Shoulder: This helps with pain in the shoulder)

Painkillers take up to a maximum of ten days per month

This is not sufficient as a treatment, you can also use an over-the-counter pain relievers. Gaul advises Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or a combination product of acetylsalicylic acid, Paracetamol and caffeine. “Painkillers should be taken only if the headache is stronger,” he says.

It is also important that you should not use pain relievers more than ten days in the month. Tension headaches can also be chronic. This is the case, if they occur more than 15 days per month. “Then a preventive treatment is important, as acute pain treatment,” says Gaul.

In migraine, the most home remedies help only to a very limited extent

In the case of a migraine attack, however, the headaches are often so strong that it comes with home remedies far. You can feel that an attack is imminent, then it is favorable to rest. Sometimes you can avert a seizure yet. Also in the case of an attack itself, it helps, in a quiet, darkened room to withdraw, and lie down. “Has proven itself also says the Cool with an ice pack”, Gaul.

In the case of an attack, the Affected don’t come around often, however, a pain killers. “This should only be taken in sufficiently high doses and early in the attack,” says Gaul. You wait too long, or takes too low a dose, the otherwise often that you need to take something, and that effectiveness is not sufficiently strong. Also if you have a cluster headache is one with home remedies in General, but should visit a medical treatment. (Also interesting: Sleep doctor reveals: What really helps when going to Sleep)

Headache prevention effective

Ideally you do not experience headaches in the first place. With some methods, and behaviors can contribute to a headache attack prevent, regardless of whether it is migraine or tension-type headaches. In the first place, relaxation techniques such as Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson and autogenic Training. “You are in studies to be effective, and have proven themselves in everyday life,” says Gaul. You have mastered the Exercises only once, it is sufficient often, for a few minutes a day to perform.

“What is also helpful is physical activity,” says Gaul. The focus should be on endurance training. Have proven particularly Jogging, Nordic Walking and Swimming. If you are suffering, in addition pain in the neck, can help with targeted Exercises. This should ideally by a physiotherapist to show you then be carried out on a regular basis at home.

With headaches to the doctor

Often you get a headache so well, even in the handle. In some cases, you should go better to the doctor. This applies if headaches occur for the first Time or if you do not suffer from headaches, you know so, even if you are suffering-otherwise more frequently with a headache. “Absolutely clarify, you should let the headaches are very intense and associated with neurological syndromes,” says Gaul. Even if you get in addition to the headache, fever, you should better go to the doctor. (Also read: Mindfulness: The Interplay of body and mind, the best Performance)

This article was authored by (Maria Berentzen)

*The post “expert tips: The are published the best home remedies for headaches” by GQ. Contact with the executives here.