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When the Covid-19 pandemic halted the cadence of everyday life for just about everyone in 2020, fitness was one of the few reliable pillars for quarantined folks to rely on for some sense of normalcy. While everyone handled the challenges of social distancing and self-isolation differently, communities sprang up online and IRL to make sure that no one had to go it alone. There would still be group sweat sessions, even if gyms were closed and you couldn’t turn to your workout buddy for a high five after a tough set.

At Men’s Health, we’ve used this pandemic period as an opportunity to build up our community and share as much useful, positive information as possible. We ramped up our library of at-home workout options, attempting to provide some normalcy for everyone stuck missing their typical training routines with gyms and fitness centers closed down. But that was just the start.

We’ve hosted live workout sessions on Instagram with some of our favorite trainers to fill the fitness class-shaped void in everyone’s daily routine, providing community and a space for everyone to get a sweat on, every single weekday. Even though conditions have improved and stabilized in many places, we’re going to keep training with you.

Bobby Maximus, former UFC fighter, fitness personality, and author of the Men’s Health Maximus Body book, hosted the latest session. Maximus makes a point to train without equipment even when he has a fully-stocked gym at his disposal—so creating an accessible session for guys stuck at home without access to gear fits perfectly to his training style. For this session, Maximus is on the road staying in a hotel, the perfect spot to highlight the perks of designing flexible workouts.

“When you’re traveling, you face a lot of abnormal stress,” he says. “You’re eating different food, you might not be sleeping that well because you’re off your routine, you might not have access to your gym—you’re go go go, you’re busy, your day’s filled with plans.” The solution? A one-size fits all travel workout you can get done quickly in limited space. Making that time is especially important as travel and vacations become more common this summer.

Even if you’re not traveling, you can use this routine, too. Just commit to getting the work done.

Bobby Maximus’ Road Ladder Workout

Perform 10 reps of each exercise for the first round. Next, perform 9 reps of each exercise. Continue down the ladder until you finish 1 rep of each movement.

Stay up to date with our workouts every single weekday at 12 p.m. ET. Want to keep up with the sessions you’ve missed? Check out the whole collection here.

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