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Babies and their pets are the cutest thing, ever. (Have you seen Bindi Irwin’s 2-year-old daughter Grace and her favorite animal? Adorable!) And Kaley Cuoco’s latest post with her 1-month-old daughter Matilda “Tildy” breaks the cuteness meter — she is too cute on the family farm.

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The Flight Attendant star took her newborn, who she shares with partner Tom Pelphrey, to the farm this weekend. The infant got to meet goats, and Cuoco documented the whole thing on her Instagram Stories. Beware: the sweet moments will make your heart melt!

  • Kaley Cuoco Introduced Tildy to the Goats

    Image Credit: Amanda Edwards/WireImage

    Cuoco holds Tildy on the farm in an Instagram video posted to her Stories, per TODAY. The actress wears her long hair back in a ponytail with a blue ballcap on as she stands in the shade with her daughter in her arms. She kisses her in front of a huge white barn as Taylor Swift’s “Never Grow Up” plays over the clip.

    Next, Cuoco leans over a white fence to show Tildy the goats on the farm. “All the littles are very interested in the human little haha,” she wrote. The human little seems equally as interested in the goats, as she makes eye contact with one while wrapped tightly in her mama’s arms.

    Another photo is a selfie of Cuoco and Tildy, with tons of goats and mini horses in a pen in the background. She wrote that her baby was “born a farm girl!” It’s so cute, and you have to check out all the photos HERE.

  • Baby Tildy Recently Met Kaley’s Horses

    Image Credit: Robert Laberge/Getty Images for Masters Grand Slam Indoor

    Last week, baby Tildy got to meet her mama’s horses! The Big Bang Theory alum wrote on her Instagram Stories last week, “Finally Tildy met her barn friends today!”

    She also shared photos of the special moment, where Tildy goes from crying when her horse Cody licked her to gazing appreciately at the “sweet” horse Carlata. 

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    Image Credit: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

    Today, Tildy got to play with another family pet — one of Cuoco’s Chihuahua’s! The actress, who has five dogs, shared a video to her Instagram Stories this morning of Tildy playing on an infant play mat. She is stretched out on the colorful mat, looking up at the toys hanging above her on a bar. But when Cuoco pans the camera over, you can see her dog playing on a doggie mat, complete with hanging chew toys set over a plush dog quilt.

    “Not sure who loves the playmats more lol,” she wrote. What an adorable way for the two to play together!

    Tildy is well on her way to being an animal lover just like her mama. 

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