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The upcoming full moon on April 26 is the first supermoon of the year, and its affects will be supercharged as well. Scientifically, a supermoon occurs when a full moon happens to rise on the same night that the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit (via Therefore, not only does it appear larger in the sky, but brighter as well. For those who follow astrology, it means the already-powerful spiritual significance of the full moon is increased (via Vogue). This upcoming supermoon is called the Pink Moon, not because it will actually appear to be pink, but because it occurs when many pink blossoms and flowers are gracing the northern hemisphere during early spring. Therefore, this pink supermoon represents rebirth.

According to Bustle, this particular full moon will be deeply emotional for all signs, forcing us to look clearly and directly at our vulnerabilities and any secrets we have been dutifully hiding, especially if we have been hiding them from ourselves. The purpose of this emotional introspection is to help us reveal, claim, and stand in our own power as spring ramps up and all energies are moving forward toward positive growth.

Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Gemini, this is your time to invite the renewing energies of spring into your daily routine (via Vogue). To feel inspired, palace some fresh flowers in vases around your home, straighten up your workspace, and add some lovely touches that make you happy when you look at them. Inject energies of the new and bright into your day, get outside when you can, and you’ll find it’s much easier to channel all the bubbling emotion into optimistic growth.

Libra, while you can sometimes live deeply in your emotions and dreams, this full moon will land you in the physical reality of your life — it’s a great time to make positive decisions about your finances (via Bustle). If you’ve been debating asking for a raise, letting go of a stale job, picking up that side hustle, or monetizing your artistic hobby, this is the time. Don’t let your need for harmony keep you from asking for what you’re worth.

Aquarius, if you’ve been feeling destabilized due to a conflict with a loved one or some other shift in your living situation, don’t let it prevent you from continuing to make your way out into the world in a meaningful way (via Chani). Now’s the time to really consider the power you have to affect the world around you — are you satisfied in your career? Are you using your power as your heart would truly guide you? Don’t underestimate your abilities — it’s time to choose a path and forge it with confidence.

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