Nexium pneumonia

Women taking pregnancy high doses of folic acid supplements, have a higher risk for high blood pressure. In the journal "Hypertension" Chinese scientists come to the conclusion that folic acid supplements in pregnancy makes sense on a high dosage, however, prefer to should be dispensed.

For the first time, a study found evidence that high-dose folic acid supplements in pregnancy has a negative effect on the cardiovascular System can affect women prior to conception to mid-pregnancy preparations with 800 or more micrograms of folic acid in revenue, had a 32 percent higher risk to develop hypertension compared to women with no folic acid revenue. This was also the case for women with normal weight, without Diabetes and without a hereditary predisposition.

"Our results suggest that the majority of women with pregnancy sollten&quot avoid the desire of high-dose folic acid over a longer period of time;, the nutritionist Nianhong Yang said, a Professor at Tongji Medical College in Wuhan, China.

Low dosage schüprotects against birth defects

Folic acid supplements with a lower dose of 400 to 450 micro-grams were against it during pregnancy are not harmful, but is recommended. Folic acid is a B Vitamin that is found in green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, and other foods. It protects in an early stage of pregnancy to serious birth defects, called neural tube defect. Therefore, the German nutrition society (DGE) recommends Pregnant women and women with children, a dose of 450 micrograms of folic acid per day.