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Back to school is right around the corner and with that comes the annual BTS shopping list all parents go through before the school year. Some parents may have already started their shopping while others may leave it until the last minute (there’s nothing wrong with soaking up every last bit of summer), but when it comes to what kids want in their backpacks, they seem to have a pretty good idea of the essentials they’ll be needing this school year. In the video, siblings Evan and Logan, Ford, Ina, and siblings Wyatt and Soren share what they have in their backpacks.

Ford, a rising 5th grader, pulls out a pair of headphones (his favorite song currently is Party in the USA) while Evan’s current go-to song is Rainbow by Kacy Musgraves. Being the mom of the group, Ina, a rising 8th grader, always has her water bottle in her backpack and shares it with her friends. She also brings spare clothes for her friends for when they spill stuff on their shirts. On the other hand, Soren and Wyatt can be seen pulling out their backpack essentials of markers, an Ipad, and a lunch box.

Ford also brings a “snack bag” with him to school, sharing that his favorite snack is Goldfish. As the rest of the video continues, the kids can be seen revealing the rest of their essentials i.e. a folder, binder, colored pencils, and past math homework. Before the video ends, Evan shares whether he prefers the first day of school or the last day of school. Watch the video above to see what he had to say and for more kids’ school backpack essentials.

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