You can see in the Video: Monday – visit to the doctor for respiratory sick leave is necessary.
For sick leave in the case of mild respiratory symptoms, workers must go from this Monday to the doctor. A in the Corona epidemic derogation was introduced, this was also after telephone consultation with the doctor, will not be renewed. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) of Doctors, clinics and health insurance companies decided on Friday. For the assessment of whether one is unable to work and a period of Sick leave receives, is a physical examination necessary.
The G-BA Chairman Josef Hecken explained that the temporary exception is served, in view of the dynamic Corona developments to relieve the burden on practices and to reduce the Virus spread. These dynamics have, in the meantime, however, due to strict distance and hygiene rules, which are also observed in practices, that significantly slows down.
The kassenärztliche bundesvereinigung criticized an “abrupt stop” of the exception that is neither the practices nor good for the patients. You have an extension up to 3. May used, but was on the Board outvoted.
According to G-BA, an immediate consultation with a physician is especially in the case of diseases is important, which could only be through a personal investigation, comprehensively and accurately detected. Regardless of patients with typical Covid should call-19-symptoms or unclear symptoms of the upper respiratory tract in the practice and discuss course of action.