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For all the uncertainty in our world, it’s comforting to know that we can count on famous people to keep up one constant in our lives: unusual celebrity baby names. We thought 2020 was done with its gifts to us in that respect, but then Nick Cannon’s girlfriend Brittany Bell announced the birth of their daughter, Powerful Queen. She certainly reigns supreme in this category.

Powerful joins other creatively named 2020 babies Lyra Antarctica, Buddy Dessert, X Æ A-12, and Raddix Madden. And all of them are part of a pack that stretches back to the likes of Moon Unit Zappa, showing us just how ahead of the curve Hollywood kids have been for generations now.

Choosing a name for your child can be a thrill, especially if you get creative with it (although we do advise steering clear of naming your babies Covid and Corona. Yikes). But it can also be overwhelming. I mean, this name will follow your little for the rest of their life. Plus, when it comes to names, everyone seems to have an opinion.

The good news? Baby names are constantly changing and evolving, which means you have a lot of options out there. And luckily for us normals, celebs tend to be major pioneers in choosing truly out-there baby names people love to make fun of — plus unusual names that are just super-cool and avant-garde.

And hey, there’s no shame in getting some baby-name inspo from Celebland and stashing it away for your own kids (whether they’re currently gestating or just imagined in your distant future). If you started considering fruit names after Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple or ran through all the colors of the rainbow when Beyoncé named her daughter Blue, we won’t judge.

For every beyond-weird celebrity baby name out there, there’s another one that’s just wacky and cool and beautiful enough, we might even pick it for our own kids. You decide which is which, ahead.

A version of this article was originally published in August 2016. 

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