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Kate Hudson is one proud mama! Her sons Ryder Robinson, 18, and Gingham Hawn Bellamy, 11, showed off their musical talent in a new video yesterday, and the Almost Famous star gushed over their sweet bond.

“My boys 🥰,” Hudson wrote on Instagram yesterday. “What more could a mom ask for other then boys who play rock and are hilarious at the same time ✅.”

In the video, Ryder is playing the electric guitar while Bingham plays the drums. They’ve got some serious talent! It looks like they are set up in the garage, with Bingham’s drumset on a piece of carpet over the tile floor. A huge stuffed giraffe is playing groupie in the background as the brothers jam out.

A post shared by Kate Hudson (@katehudson)

At the end of the song, Ryder does a head bang and they both scream as Hudson laughs. “I love you guys!” she says. “That was the best!”

In her caption, Hudson also talked about missing Ryder. “@mr.ryderrobinson what a good big brother,” she wrote. “We’re gonna miss you big time 😢 #offtocollege #guessthesong,” she added, referring to Ryder going to college this fall.

Hudson’s celebrity friends loved this cute video. Reese Witherspoon commented, “👏👏👏.”

“Oh my heart just exploded I love this so much,” Rachel Zoe wrote.

16-time Grammy winning musician David Foster wrote, “Great stuff guys!!!” Rita Wilson commented, “Nothing better!!! Music forever!”

Hudson is also a singer. On April 25, she posted two pictures on Instagram of herself singing with a band on stage, along with the announcement that she is recording an album.

A post shared by Kate Hudson (@katehudson)

She captioned it, “Finally realized it’s time to say f#%! it and saaaannngg!!!!! #albumincoming #myikigai 🎶 🎤.”

Her daughter Rani Rose, 3, whom she shares with fiancé Danny Fujijkawa has also dabbled in singing! Last year, Hudson posted an adorable video of Rani singing, “Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink.”

They need to make a family band, Sound of Music style!

These celebrity moms all welcomed their bundles of joy after 40.

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