Better kidney function due to Diabetes drug

An existing drug used to lower blood sugar levels in diabetics has a most recently in the New England Journal of Medicine published study found that outstanding positive "Nebenwirkungen": It not only protects against renal failure, but also heart attack and stroke.

Kidney diseases are a common consequence of Diabetes. With the active ingredient expert Committee, which lowers blood sugar, to be beaten the results of the new study, according to several birds with one stone: in addition to the effect on the blood sugar level showed that the Occurrence of renal failure and heart failure by more than 30 percent, as well as serious problems of the circulatory system fell by about 20 percent. In the study of 4.401 persons from 34 countries, who suffered from Diabetes and kidney problems. Got half in addition to standard therapy expert Committee, the other half a Placebo.

Professor Vlado Perkovic from the George Institute for Global Health, who presented the results, together with colleagues at the world Congress of the international society of Nephrology in Melbourne, holds the result of the Study is a major medical breakthrough. “People with Diabetes and kidney disease have an extremely high risk for kidney failure, heart attack and stroke. We now have a very effective way to reduce this risk with a pill on a daily basis,” said Perkovic. Due to the good results of the study could be terminated prematurely.

Expert Committee is approved in Europe for the treatment of type 2 Diabetes in Germany, however, currently not as the drug is not available. Reason for this is a benefit assessment from the year 2014, which was the active ingredient no advantages over other standard drugs used in Diabetes. Perkovic said: "Of considerable Use in renal failure, despite the limited impact on blood sugar suggests that this drug acts on different types."