Singing Savior on conditions in the Job carefully and end up Internet Hit

My number knows every child, but some of the selects you to quickly. I’ve got a cough, and the wear of 14 days, now I need to change a Rescue.

These people bring in a creative manner their discontent about their working conditions.

In a Video on Facebook Jan Ole Dreier, the MRP controller of the rescue coordination centre in the East Frisian Wittmund makes, singing to the Problem of the abuse of the emergency number carefully.

Yes such people, which we say is quite clear, for other salvation there are resources. A handkerchief and cleaning take your nose. Drinking a SIP of water, in this acute phase. And in the morning, walking to the doctors, which is good for you, soon you’re gonna be just fine. And you can’t move on in the morning, then you can choose equal to 116 or 117.

Be Clip to Facebook has already made more than 110,000 calls.

The Video is a further response to the emergency paramedic Felix Peter Haehne. In a Video at the end of November Haehne denounces the legally unclear responsibilities in his career:

Good day my name is Felix, Peter, And I’m your emergency paramedics of The ambulance comes a half hour later, And until then, we talk nice here on the bed

Paramedics are allowed to perform according to the law, no medical interventions, but to initiate measures for life support and emergency transport of patients to make it.

Medical interventions may, however, perform only a doctor. In practice, this means that Even when the injection of pain killers, an emergency paramedic would have to wait for the confirmation of a doctor.

I call the 112 Quickly the ambulance brought in Because what the may the I can’t Would help with the pain, I would take that As I can understand you‘ But then I end up in court

The Doctor Carola Holzner includes the video messages:

The blood pressure is opulent, is reduced with Ebrantil.

The Patient has a heart attack, do you think Aspisol of Europe.

Because you’re an emergency medic. You need me not now, and not later.

A draft law on the revision of the competences of a paramedic failed recently in the Federal Council. The Federal government subsequently announced, in a dialogue with the parties Concerned.

Sure is: With your Videos have created the three’s attention for an important issue.

And you need our help feel free, and dial the 112.