If people can at the Touch of latches, handles or computer keyboards with the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 infected, according to the world health organization (WHO) is still not known. Nevertheless, disinfectant, are recommended ion, it is called on Saturday in Geneva published Hygiene recommendation. The WHO mentions a study that the Virus can survive on the outer side of a medical face mask for up to seven days. All of the studies about the viability of the Virus on surfaces, but with caution. They were performed in laboratories and did not allow conclusions as to the real life world, the WHO.
Virologist about Corona-statistics
"I do not want to get banned on small Changes to starren"
In the mentioned study, the Virus on stainless steel and plastic for up to four days I survived on glass up to two days, and on cloth and wood a day. In another study, it had been four hours in the case of copper, for 24 hours at cardboard and 72 hours on plastic and stainless steel. In investigations of this kind, the Virus is applied mostly in a drop of liquid on the surfaces. These drops, however, are not bound to compare with the droplets that occur during coughing or Sneezing.
Corona-contamination on surfaces is not detected
Although to date no study infection by Sars-have demonstrated CoV-2 on the contact surfaces, this is not to exclude experiences with other corona viruses. Therefore, Disinfection is important in hospitals, but also outside, such as in sinks, toilets, electronic devices, hand rails, stairs, floors and walls. Experts advise to wash regularly and thoroughly with the hands.
The Spraying of disinfectants, the WHO advises against the use, in hospitals, shops, offices and households, but also in how to do it, especially in Asia, many of the authorities. Roads and sidewalks are not a Reservoir for viruses, and it is unlikely that the disinfectant can work on uneven surfaces long enough to kill off pathogens.
“People should never be sprayed,” warns the WHO. This does not prevent the transfer of viruses via droplet infection, should people be infected. “Spraying people with chlorine and other toxic chemicals can lead to skin and eye irritation, and to lead through the Inhalation of a cramp of the respiratory muscles as well as gastro-intestinal disorders and Nausea and vomiting.”