High blood to lower pressure, could increase the Chance to remain in the age of the mentally fit. A recent study suggests that for patients with three years of intensive hypertension therapy.
"We found out that three years of blood pressure lowering therapy only helped the heart dramatically, but also the Gehirn", study leader Professor Dr. Jeff Williamson, a gerontologist at Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina says. Through the intensive treatment, the risk for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) decreased in the patients by 19 percent, researchers by Williamson reports in the journal JAMA. MCI is considered a risk factor to develop dementia.
The impact of a more intensive hypertension therapy on the dementia cases were not quite so clear: "Although the study shows a 15-percent reduction in dementia in the intensively treated group, we were disappointed that the results erreichten" no statistical significance;, Williamson says. He holds but also the acceptance of the mild cognitive limitations to be a great success.
Since the year of 2017 in the US there are stricter limits for blood pressure: people are already with values of 130/80 mmHg as in need of treatment (aponet.de reported. The basis for the new limits, the results of the SPRINT study, which showed that intensive therapy with the goal of reducing blood pressure below 120 mmHg, significantly less cardiovascular-led events. The patients received the treatment in the cut over three years. They were respectful of the five years of follow-up, and then cognitive Tests.
The researchers of Williamson assume that a longer follow-up also in the case of the dementia cases, statistical differences will show. The American Alzheimer’s Association has agreed to Fund this. The current results are not sufficient, to increase the hypertension therapy as a dementia-recommended prophylaxis.