Six questions and a large knowledge gap

Around 1.15 billion euros have been spent by the statutory health insurance funds in 2018 for orthodontic treatments. In addition there are costs for therapies that the parents pay has not come yet, because the funds take on this – such as the Closing of a gap between the upper incisors.

The Federal court of auditors criticises the fact that scientifically based knowledge about the medical Benefits of braces are missing. Stock.

When is a dental braces in children medically necessary?

This is a difficult question to answer, because a lack of studies of how the corrections affect long-term health. This is evident from the opinions of the Iges Institute, which had given the Federal Ministry of health to criticism of the court of auditors for the year 2018 in order.

It States: That dental corrections reduce problems such as tooth decay, periodontal disease or tooth loss, could not be occupied, but also can not be excluded. The health insurance companies are governed by the Orthodontic indication groups (KIG). In groups 1 and 2 are rather cosmetic bug, 3 to 5 medically in need of treatment. The cost will only be applied in children and adolescents with the diagnosis group, 3 to 5, if the patients between 10 and 18 years old.

Why are so many children a solid or loose clamp?

According to estimates, more than half of the children and young people in Germany orthodontic treatment. Exact Figures are not available, the data is opaque. According to a survey of the hkk health insurance of children and young people and their parents optical reasons often give aesthetic-the rash for the treatment. They wanted to look “better” or “because of their terrible teeth” no longer teased, were justifications. Just under half indicated that they had before the treatment, no complaints with your Teeth.

The treatments are getting more and more expensive?

According to an estimate by the Association of the substitute funds for orthodontic treatment are paid in an average of around 3700 to 4000 Euro from the statutory health insurance funds. The parents have to spend a copayment of 20 percent, you get, however, at the end of the treatment refunded. According to the Iges report, the treatment costs increased, even though the target audience is 10 – to 18-Year-old kid. The professional Association of German orthodontists (BDK) denies the allegation of high expenditure. The costs had increased between 2005 and 2016 by 25 percent, this corresponds to other dental services.

Why pay then the parents are often still high amounts of this?

According to the cash-dental Federal Union of the patient’s wishes more and more frequently, extra benefits, which you must pay. The adhesive plate (Brackets) in the case of fixed braces, there are no longer only made of metal, but also ceramic or plastic, miniature or nearly invisible in tooth color. Also, the removable braces, there are in different Design variants, some with rainbow coloured, sparkling palate plate.

The success of dental braces have?

The Iges study looks at the successes: in fact, misaligned teeth were corrected – this will also have a positive effect on the feeling of life. The hkk survey of approximately 430 young people also revealed that 86 per cent were with the treatment overall, very satisfied or satisfied.

However, according to the Iges investigation, it is unclear how strong the corrections make use of the patients in the long term. So about a lack of studies of how the adjustments have an impact later on the development of tooth loss, loosening of Teeth, inflammation or pain. Important questions remained open.

There are risks and side effects of orthodontic treatment?

In very rare cases, a Nickel Allergy advocate, says king. A Problem: brushing your teeth with a fixed brace is far more complex and takes longer. Special small brushes should be used. Anyone who neglects this, the threaten to gum inflammation and tooth decay. Also, white Spots may remain on the teeth when the Brackets are removed. It was also orthopedists, the task of the jaw, to motivate the young people to dental care, says the Association’s Chairman. Also can take the treatment for longer than the allotted about 1.5 years, when patients wear the rubber of the fixed braces for 24 hours.