Traveler’s diarrhea with spten follow

A exotic Lächange suffered by the case of disease can not only ruin someone’s vacation, but also for the long term health impact

Well done: Raw, ungeschälte food should be on a travel taboo

Whether as Montezuma’s revenge, or curse of the Pharaoh: traveler’s diarrhea every third hits long-haul travellers, and is the hämost common health problem far away from home – in particular, in Läcountries with a low standard of hygiene.

While the acute symptoms usually subside after two to four days. However, experts warn that, increasingly, möaligned with long-term consequences: "There are clear instructions to develop traveler’s diarrhea, the risk of a irritable bowel syndrome, a significantly erhöht", Professor &shy says;Tomas Jelinek, medical Director of the Berlin center für travel and tropical medicine.

Intestinal flora is out of balance

The cause of this postinfektiösen Reizdarm­syndrome is a so-called dysbiosis, a shift in the natünatural intestinal flora. "Each person has an individual composite bacterial flora in the Darm", erklärt Jelinek. Traveling veräthis change massively, because we’re eating unfamiliar germs, which settle in the intestine. Störetention of the intestinal flora are more likely the more exotic the country, and the worse the hygienic conditions.

Sometimes the Ver&auml is;change sustainably, so that the intestinal flora is home to not more in your old balance zurückfindet. Möpossible consequences: functional Störetention such as diarrhea, constipation, Blähungen and Darmkräspasms, months or even years to come.

Zusäadditional studies in läViking persistent diarrhea

The journey through the case lälonger than 10 to 14 days or it occurs only after the Rüreturn to the Heimat­country, the doctor should zunäfirst, through a micro-biological diagnosis of an infection with certain pathogens and parasites ausschließen. These are not prove, according to Jelinek probably a dysbiosis. Then an attempt, the intestinal flora with probiotic intestinal bacteria, or dry yeast-Pr&auml worthwhile;Pat. Although the study was able to widersprüon the take. "But in practice, we make quite a positive experience damit", the travel doctors.

In addition, wäfirst, in jüngster time, the concern is that travelers ‘ diarrhea is an important risk factor für the introduction of multi-resistant intestinal bacteria köcould. "If the intestinal flora gestört, settle häsingle-stage multi-resistant bacteria, against which no antibiotic was wirkt", erläexplained Jelinek. As particularly problematic widerstandsf&auml apply extremely;hige E. coli, the vacationers on the hämost common on the Indian subcontinent, in SüSouth-East Asia and North Africa capture.

Multi-resistant bacteria in the Gepäck

According to a Finnish study from the year 2015, each f&uuml came;fifth Tourist with multi-resistant E. coli from Läcountries with low standards of hygiene zurück. Of travellers who go by, every second a "Problemkeim" with. And if the had been treated diarrhea with antibiotics, the risk even up to 80 percent – at least on the Indian subcontinent. "The medicines move the intestinal flora and provide germs, against which they act, Überlebensvorteile", erklärt Jelinek.

Even if multi-resistant intestinal bacteria für the Träger usually not gefädangerous, cause you möpossible problems. For example, if you go on open wounds or on immungeschwäkilled people übe transmitted. "Then köyou can infections auslösen, für their therapy, only a few drugs to Verfüaside stehen", Professor Robert Steffen from WHO Collaborating Centre for Travellers&rsquo stresses; Health at the Universität Zürich.

Therefore, physicians with the use of antibiotics in Reise&shy were;­diarrhea significantly zurückhaltender. "They are only appropriate when quick, symptom-free must be reached, or the symptoms very schwer­­weighing sind", Steffen says. Who is far away from civilization, with a tour group or as a Geschätrip is on the way, köf&uuml nne themselves;r the emergency, prescribe an antibiotic.

Salt and Flüreliability replace

In case of simple diarrhea genürecipe gen mostly free Präparate, which you should be in the pharmacy for advice. The most important Maßsampling is the replacement of Flüreliability and Elek­trolyten. Unterstützend tannin-containing Präparate, the entzüfriends intestinal mucosa, sealing, or Racecadotril, the influx of Flüfluid in the intestines slows down. Loperamide inhibits the movements of the intestinal muscles, and is not suitable for infections: The pathogen l&auml stay;the Viking in the gut.

Fever, colicky abdominal pain or blood in the stool may be added to the diarrhea, however, are not enough prescription drugs in the rule. Füthis is the case, prescribe Ädoctors usually antibiotics such as Azithro­mycin, or Rifaximin, can’t leave the intestines and therefore ötender limited. However, köcan antibiotics as a side effect to diarrhea führen. Reise­physicians Jelinek recommends, therefore, zusäaddition probiotic Präparate. "There is evidence that the intestinal flora is less geschäis damaged."

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