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German scientists have isolated from the larvae of a parasite, an anti-inflammatory substance that may help asthmatics. The effectiveness could even be better than the cortisone-containing medication.

The larvae of the parasite Heligmosomoides heligmosomoides bakeri can only develop in the intestinal mucosa of rodents. The larvae need to trick the immune system of the host, this happens with inflammatory reactions against the invaders. "Normally the larvae of the parasitic worm have no Chance of keeping the immune reaction. However, you use the active molecules to verändern&quot the immune response of the host, specifically;, Dr. Julia Esser declared to be of Beers. These agents want to use the scientists for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.

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The Team has managed to isolate a substance with which the worm larvae deceive the immune system of their host: The Protein Hpb-glutamate Dehydrogenase. In animal studies, and human cell cultures, it alters the immune response and is anti-inflammatory. "The ability of Hpb-glutamate dehydrogenase, the weaknesses of the immune response, makes them a promising candidate for the treatment of chronic Atemwegsentzündungen", Esser says of Beers.

One of them is allergic Asthma, the result of an Overproduction of inflammatory mediators. Cortisone, which is used in such cases, however, has little impact on these mediators. Eater-of Beers, explained: "By the addition of Hpb-glutamate-Dehydrogenase, we were able to reduce the inflammation-promoting activity of phagocytes significantly. This shows that the substance has a greater efficacy than the administration of cortisone."