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Rotate, Tap and a Pat miss: the inner values of a water melon to judge, some people to such a strange test.

In fact, the degree of ripeness of a watermelon with the Hand feel. How is that possible?

You should strike with the flat of your Hand lightly on the melon, explains Ulrike Bickel man of the Federal Agency for agriculture and food (BLE).

“If it vibrates, then it is just right.” The vibrations missing, the melon was soft and fluffy.

Also the famous Knock Bickel man considers to be a suitable technique. And what should you hear? “If you keep the green or green-striped fruit to your ear, you can hear the sound.”

Water melon: What is the yellow spot means?

Also, the edition spot says something about the quality of the fruit. “The more yellow the spot, where the melon has on the field is located, the more Mature it is,” says fruit expert.

The stain is light grey, the melon is not ripe. In this case, to help also can not Lie, because: “The melon is not Mature”, so Bickel man.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The contribution of “maturity test before buying: this shows a good water-melon” will be released by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.