Lost his speech, mobility and breathing after flu shots

This man lost the ability to speak, walk, see or even breathe, only two days after receiving flu shots. In the accident, was diagnosed with the deadly Guillain-Barre syndrome.

In less than two days after the flu shots are a resident of the state of Nevada in the United States Shane Morgan lost the ability to see, walk, talk or even breathe without assistance. Along with his wife, Monique, Shane made his flu shot November 2, in order not to accidentally transmit this illness of his eight-month-old son. And very soon the man appeared a strange feeling, because of which he lost the sensitivity of the hands and feet. The ambulance took him to the hospital, and 4 days the patient stayed in the intensive care unit on the artificial support, while local doctors tried to figure out what happened to him.

It turned out that Shane was a victim of Guillain-Barre syndrome, which, according to experts of the Centre for control and prevention of diseases of the United States, is “extremely rare” side effect of flu vaccinations. The man is still in the hospital, and his friend said that “no end in sight”. Unfortunate to be a very long recovery. But physicians are turning to other people with an urgent request because this story is in any case not to refuse vaccination against influenza, because it is scientifically proven that they are saving hundreds of thousands of lives every winter. But such side effects can be attributed to a category of exceptions that only prove the rule.

Guillain-Barre occurs at the moment when the immune system mistakenly attacks the nervous system. The symptoms begin with tingling in the legs that spreads to the arms and upper body. In severe cases, they become paralyzed, the disease can cause death because it affects the respiratory system, arterial pressure and heart rate. The cause of the syndrome is unknown but it usually occurs as a result of a viral infection. No specific treatment for either, and all the tools of therapy aimed at restoring the functioning of the nervous system. (READ MORE)