If the natural birth does not expect – and what are the unnecessary risks thereby incur

A Situation that occurs every day and night: A young woman, Primipara, in labor, the heart sounds of the child to be slower. She feels strong, she never has thought about it, to spare yourself the pain of birth by a caesarean section. At two o’clock at night, the a resident rings their senior physician from the sleep. With a bad Conscience, because the senior doctor was not there until late in the evening, your next shift starts in the Morning. Asleep, she comes into the clinic and notes: not an emergency. You could wait until the Morning. Nevertheless, she makes a caesarean section. Why?

An uncomplicated caesarean section needs a maximum of half an hour, and then you can go to sleep. But above all, the case brings a lump sum of 3000 euros, the natural birth of only 2000. This is unfair. For natural births, require just as much personnel, but they are not predictable. Time, you take five, time 16 hours. A midwife, an experienced woman doctor, and the OP-care staff must always be on site.

In Pregnant women, the situation can tilt at any time from the absolute well-being in one for the Baby-threatening Situation. Ten minutes a lack of oxygen can lead to severe birth defects. But caesarean sections are only seemingly better Alternative. The uterus is hurt, the scars make future births complication richer. The children need frequent medical follow-up and are more prone to Asthma or Diabetes.

The patients are so clueless, you trust the advice of the Doctors. A I’ve experienced, down to the edge of the bed and said: “If you were my wife, I would recommend cesarean section.” The birth of the aid is reimbursed so bad that the temptation to let economic Considerations compromise is particularly high. After 25 years at different clinics, I decided on a day in December 2018 as a head doctor after a crisis situation: I don’t want any more. With me five top announced doctors. It has caused a media hype. I hope it was good for something. Patients need to understand what drives them today in hospitals to resist.

Are you a Doctor, or a doctor?

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5. E-mail from a verifiable Account (e.g., your practice, your employer)

6. Helpful: Website appearance of your practice or your employer with information to you

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