Federal health Minister Spahn wants to introduce measles vaccination
On the question of vaccination – Yes or no measles? is in a fight for years, violently. In this context, the call appears again and again after a measles vaccination compulsory, which would be welcomed, according to surveys the majority of Germans. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn wants to introduce compulsory vaccinations for daycare and school children.
Increase in the number of measles diseases
Although the measles since the introduction of vaccination, about 40 years ago, in retreat, has slowed the eradication of infectious disease. To blame that in this country, too few people are vaccinated. Required immunization of at least 95 percent of the population would be. In Germany this goal is not achieved yet, so that also here again a rise in the number of measles cases is reported. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn wants to make vaccinations against measles for children now.

Day – care and school children against measles to protect
In various countries, such as, for example, in Italy there is a measles vaccination for children.
Now the Minister of health, Jens Spahn wants to introduce a such also in Germany. With a new bill he wants to protect day – care and school children against the infectious disease.
“That’s why all who visit a daycare center or school to be vaccinated against measles. Who is there, re-recorded, it must demonstrate,” said the CDU politician of the “Bild am Sonntag”.
“Who can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons, you must also prove with a medical certificate,” Spahn told the newspaper.
“All parents should be able to be sure that your child will not be infected with measles and are at risk.”
Proof of vaccinations required
As stated in a communication of the Federal Ministry of health, to children already in the nursery or in the school, the evidence up to 31. July 2020 submit.
According to the figures, the proof is on the vaccination certificate or Vaccination certificate. This also applies to the educators, teachers and the entire staff.
In medical facilities, such as hospitals or doctor’s offices, is now standard practice.
Here, too, the employee must provide evidence of vaccination or prove to have the disease already suffered and to be immune. This protects the patients.
Fines in the amount of up to 2500 euros
According to the notice, the compulsory education of the draft law remains unaffected. However, parents who want their kids vaccinated, threaten high penalties.
“He who leaves his child is not vaccinated, the threaten fines in the amount of up to 2500 euros. The would be initiated by the health departments,“ said Spahn.
Because it is compulsory in Germany, no daycare, can’t be vaccinated children from the daycare center excluded.
For example, children under ten months – a vaccine is in this age not possible – particularly to be protected.
The Initiative of Spahn is also welcomed by the coalition partners. So the SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach wrote on Twitter:
“The vaccination against measles is right and Spahns proposal corresponds to what could be a common basis for a law. Without this step, we defeat measles. Everything else would only cost time and sacrifice.“
Furthermore, large gaps
Despite all the awareness campaigns, the gaps in measles in Germany are still too large, such as from new evaluations of the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) to vaccination rates.
Although 97.1% of school beginners have to get the first vaccination, but in the decisive second measles vaccination, there are large regional differences, so that at the Federal level, the desired Coverage of 95 percent is still not achieved.
“95 percent of the population need to be vaccinated against measles, so that this highly contagious and can be eradicated viral disease. That is our goal,“ says Spahn in a joint press release of the Federal Ministry for health, the Federal centre for health education (BZgA) and the RKI.
According to the new data of RKI, more than 93 percent of the school are vaccinated beginners in 2017, twice against measles.
About half of the Sufferers are young adults
The RKI was submitted for 2018, a total of 543 measles disease, in the current year, there are more than 300 cases.
Contrary to what many assumed, it is not measles but a harmless children’s disease.
“Almost half of the Patients are young adults, which indicates the large gaps in these age groups,” said RKI President Lothar H. Wieler. Also, adults should have their Vaccination check.
The Standing Committee on vaccination (STIKO) recommends, for the after Born in 1970, the catch up vaccination if the vaccination certificate is no or only a measles vaccination from Childhood is recorded, or the vaccination status is unclear. (ad)