238,000 children have depression or anxiety disorders

Inner restlessness, a nagging self-doubt, hardly any energy, Almost two percent of the students in Germany, according to a study by the health insurance company DAK, a diagnosed Depression. For your current child and youth report, the Fund has evaluated the billing data of more than 800,000 Minors for the years 2016 and 2017.

Therefore, Doctors diagnosed around two percent of the students in a mostly moderate depressive Episode and in as many an anxiety disorder. Extrapolated to all children and young people in Germany a total of approximately 238,000 children over the age of ten to 17 years were affected so strongly that you consult a doctor. In comparison to the previous year, the depression frequency in 2017 was increased to five percent.

Since health insurance different insured structures, such extrapolations among experts controversial. In the case of the DAK a total of around six per cent of all children and adolescents between 0 and 17 years in Germany, according to information provided by the Fund are insured. They referred to their study, with a view to the age and gender distribution as “fairly representative”. In relation to the socio-economic situation of the families, the data are not representative.

The girls were on the Fund data show that significantly more likely for depression to the doctor as a boy. The development of the sexes is therefore at the latest from 14. Year of life is significantly apart.

Almost every sixth young Patient (17 percent) got in 2017, an antidepressant prescribed mostly by specialists. Up to eight percent of the affected children and Teenagers came for the treatment of Depression in a clinic, an average of more than one month (39 days).

“In the Report we only see the tip of the iceberg,” said Thomas Fischbach, President of the professional Association of child and youth doctors. “We expect a high number of unreported cases.” There were many children who suffered from depression and it was only late in the offices would be.

In the Transition from the hospital to the outpatient care, the DAK looks great gaps: Around a quarter of the young patients come again later to the hospital. “We need to have an open discussion on the taboo topic of depression in children”, called DAK-Chairman of the Board, Andreas Storm. “Children often suffer quietly, before you get a suitable diagnosis. We all need to be more attentive – whether in the family, in school or in a sports club.” The stigma of a long stay in the youth psychiatry is Concerned that an additional burden. The DAK challenge therefore offered a better supply of to be Concerned in particular with outpatient therapy.

German depression aid, estimates that two affected school children per class

That depression are not only for adults, a topic that is known. The psychiatrist Ulrich Hegerl, President of the Foundation German depression aid, estimates that the Figures for the cash as realistic. Depression can be acquired both to be genetic, as, for example, by trauma or abuse experiences. Professionals are not Hegerl, according to agree that the tendency to depression in Germany is on the rise. Rather, there is more diagnosis, because Doctors recognize the Suffering of better, and more people than in the past willing to seek help.

For Germany there are studies showing that about eight percent of adults between 18 and 79 years, in the course of a year, to a persistent depressive disorder are diagnosed. The are around five million people.

Signs of depression in students

Among the signs of Depression, tiredness, listlessness, an inner Void, lack of appetite and loss of Interest often depressed. Impaired concentration often lead to less efficiency. In the case of severe episodes Affected back strong. Children and Teenagers can make it difficult to go to school. The duration, intensity and symptoms of Depression but can be very different. If left untreated, severe episodes can lead to suicidal thoughts.

In teenagers, it may be difficult for a layperson to distinguish signs of Depression from the normal “Pubertieren” with violent mood swings. For professionals however, it is quite possible, for example, feelings of inner elapsed to detect a reduction, so Hegerl.

The Foundation German depression aid, assumes that in the pre-school age percentage of children of primary school age, approximately two percent are affected. In adolescents, the Rates increased: Between 12 and 17 years from three to ten percent of the Affected are. Ulrich Hegerl, according to a high risk associated with untreated depressive illness in young people to finish school or training successfully.

Children of depressed parents are at greater risk

The Figures for the cash to show correlations, which were similar to that already used in other studies: for instance, the risk of Depression in children and teenagers is increasing, according to the Report, three times higher if the parents are ill parts mentally, or otherwise chronically (read here what are the effects of the depression of parents to children).

Also a chronic disease, obesity, Diabetes, Asthma and pain may increase the risk of Depression in young people, according to the report. For boys, the DAK is assumed that depression is under-diagnosed: How adult men made light of it focused often mental problems.

The family seems to be able to children, Vice versa, also due to a depression protect: Particularly strong showing in the POS data from academic families. Probably they could offer their children education, a good network and social security, they say.

Overall, respiratory disease, infections, eye included in the Report – and skin problems of the most common diseases in the 10 – to 17-Year-olds. Mental illness followed with 24 percent to fifth place. Depression accounted for only a small part – most often, Doctors diagnosed developmental and behavioral disorders.