Corona-rules to Restaurants, schools, day-care centres: This applies in your state

Almost daily one or more Federal States of new easing measures after the week-long restrictions are becoming more and more leisure pursuits permitted. Here is the current state (20.05.) the relaxations in the countries in some selected areas of life, for example, catering, contact, rules, as well as school and day-care centres.

Important: The relaxations take place, as a rule, subject to conditions, such as distance and hygiene regulations. In addition, the Covenant shall continue to apply to wide mask obligation in trade and transport.

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Restaurants and Bars

Baden-Württemberg: dining in on Monday to open the Bars must remain closed.

Bavariaoutdoor areas of Restaurants are allowed to since Monday to open the interior spaces from the 25. May. For the drinks-focused Local Bars, there is still no perspective.

Berlin: eating in Restaurants is possible. Pure taverns, including Bars, must remain closed.

Brandenburg: Restaurants able to open the Bars remain closed.

Bremen: restaurant visits are possible. Bars remain closed. It is a counter prohibition.

Hamburg: Restaurants are open, an Opening of Bars is checked.

Hesse: restaurants and Bars are open.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: the Restaurants are open. Bars have to stay closed.

Lower Saxony: Restaurants are open, Bars are still closed.

North Rhine-Westphalia: the Restaurants are open. Bars have to remain closed, will be decided in individual cases on the spot.

Rhineland-Palatinate: restaurants and Bars are allowed to open. However, the bar areas to remain closed.

Saarland: restaurant visits are possible. Bars can also open, is hosted exclusively at tables, a stay at the counter is not allowed.

Saxony: Restaurants and Bars are allowed to open.

Saxony-Anhalt: The Restaurants may on 22. May re-open – by special permit from the district for Monday. Bars may 28. May re-open.

Schleswig-Holstein: Restaurants and Bars can open.

Thuringia: Restaurants and Bars can open.

Hotels and apartments

Baden-Württemberg: apartments can open it again, to the extent that self-sufficiency is possible. Hotels may from 29. May to open.

Bavaria: Hotels and apartments may 30. May re-open.

Berlin: Hotels and apartments from 25. May open.

Brandenburg: holiday apartments may accommodate guests, Hotels from 25. May.

Bremen: Hotels and apartments may not open.

Hamburg: Hotels and apartments may receive guests.

Hessen: Hotels and apartments can open the door.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: For inhabitants of the Federal state are Hotels and apartments open for all the others up to 25. May be a travel ban.

Lower Saxony: the apartments may be operated, Hotels are to the 25. May, with a maximum of 60 percent capacity utilization follow.

Nordrhein-Westfalen: Hotels and apartments can open the door.

Rheinland-Pfalz: hotel must for tourists to open the apartments re-rented.

Saarland: Hotels and apartments may be re-for the tourism open.

Saxony: Hotels and apartments can open.

Saxony-Anhalt: holiday apartments can open the Hotels to – first for visitors from their own country – on 22. May follow. 28. May to holidays for tourists from all over Germany will be possible.

Schleswig-Holstein: visits are possible.

Thuringia: Hotels and apartments may not open the door.

Pools and leisure parks

Baden-Württemberg: when outdoor pools open may, is not yet foreseeable. Amusement Park fans can 29, the. May look forward to.

Bavaria: outdoor pools must remain closed, leisure parks-may 30. May open.

Berlin: free baths can from 25. May open. Larger theme parks, there is not.

Brandenburg: free baths can from 28. May open theme parks are still closed.

Bremen: The first free bathrooms can 1. June open from 15. June should be bathrooms in the submission of a hygiene concept in General, open. Larger theme parks, there is not.

Hamburg: outdoor pools are still closed, a possible early Opening is discussed. Hamburg has no major amusement parks.

Hesse: For outdoor pools is the time for a re-opening is still unclear. Theme parks can re-open.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: free baths may of 25. May re-open. Amusement parks are closed.

Lower Saxony: free baths could be from the 25. May open it again, the Same is true for amusement parks.

North Rhine-Westphalia: pools must have been open, the minimum clearance also applies in the swimming pool. Amusement parks may let in visitors.

Rhineland-Palatinate: free baths to on 27. May amusement parks are allowed to open, on 10. June.

Saarland: It is unclear when outdoor pools and amusement parks open it again in may.

Saxony: pools and leisure parks are allowed to open unless they have an approved hygiene concept.

Saxony-Anhalt: outdoor pools, and amusement parks may 28. May re-open.

Schleswig-Holstein: outdoor pools and amusement parks are closed until Further notice.

Thuringia: free baths can from 1. June open, amusement parks, the circles and decide on their own.

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Contact provisions

Baden-Württemberg: The stay out there is also with the family of another budget allowed. In private rooms to Meet with brothers and sisters and their families, but also Meeting with members of another household are possible.

Bayern: It can be used both in private as also in public space, several members of the two households meet.

Berlin: It can be used both in private as also in public space, several members of the two households meet.

Brandenburg: contacts from two stalls are permitted in public space, such as in the private sector.

Bremen: There can be several members from two households in the public space meet.

Hamburg: Up to ten members of two households must meet again, without a minimum distance of 1.50 meters to comply with.

Hesse: In the public space is allowed to re-members of the two households together on the road.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: In the public and private space can have multiple members of two households meet.

Lower Saxony: There may be members of two households in the Public meetings.

North Rhine-Westphalia: It allowed members of the two families in the Public meeting.

Rhineland-Palatinate: In the public space can be members of up to two households meet.

Saarland: the Inside as well as outside members from up to two households meet.

Saxony: Since Friday, can two stands meet.

Saxony-Anhalt: meetings of up to five people are allowed, even if not together in a household. 28. May may be invited to private parties up to 20 guests.

Schleswig-Holstein: It can be used both in private as also in public space, several members of the two households meet.

Thuringia: on the Outside, and also inside may, the members of the two households meet.

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Demonstrations (while respecting the Minimum distance)

Baden-Württemberg: meetings are allowed, with conditions, to the position of the infection protection – for example, to intervals or maximum numbers of participants.

Bavaria: About demonstrations in the specific case decided. Places of Assembly must provide enough space for the minimum distance.

Berlin: meetings in closed rooms up to 50 participants are allowed. 25. May be allowed to attend meetings under the open sky for up to 100 people, now there are 50.

Brandenburg: meetings with up to 50 people, with an exemption allowed.

Bremen: meetings need to be displayed and infection protection by the authorities is prohibited, limited or subject to certain conditions to be.

Hamburg: large gatherings are prohibited, under the open sky can exceptions be approved.

Hesse: Are subject to conditions allowed. In principle, events for up to 100 persons no longer need to be approved in principle, if a Hygiene and distance concept.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Since Monday are Outdoor events with up to 150 participants allowed.

Lower Saxony: For demonstrations and gatherings under the open sky of the authorities, the exception permits can be issued.

North Rhine-Westphalia: demonstrations are generally allowed in compliance with the spacing rules and a maximum number of participants, calculated on the total area.

Rhineland-Palatinate: meetings open to the sky can, in individual cases, subject to conditions, be allowed.

Saarland: assemblies within the meaning of the law on assemblies under the open sky, under special conditions allowed again, if the Hygiene and clearance requirements can be.

Saxony: rallies are no longer on a certain number of participants is limited.

Saxony-Anhalt: demonstrations are possible, if the authority Meeting, together with the Department of health allowed. A lump sum limit for participants, there is not.

Schleswig-Holstein: gatherings are prohibited, exceptions are possible.

Thuringia: demonstrations without restrictions on the number of participants are possible.

The start of school in Germany

Schools to make again – so to succeed in the individual Federal States

Schools and nurseries

Baden-Württemberg: in the middle of June to all students, at least temporarily, again in the presence of instruction. In addition, a reduced rule is already in operation for the day care centers.

Bavaria: Some vintages are back for more schools, until after the Whitsun holidays in the middle of June to all students at least a day to go to school. Then the children are to be allowed back in the kindergartens in the school year 2021/22 required to attend school.

Berlin: Until the summer to every kindergarten child again, a care offer. Until the end of may all students are to go with a reduced number of hours in the schools.

Brandenburg: for All students before the summer holidays, the school attendance and participation in the classroom at least the day or week allows. In nurseries, a reduced rule is to start operating.

Bremen: In primary schools, all classes gradually brought back. In secondary school, some classes are back already, other classes will follow on may 25. May. 1. June all pre-school children will come again in day-care centres.

Hamburg: From the 25. May want to get all students at least once per week teaching in the school. Day-care centres is one step in the operation.

Hesse: day-care centres to the beginning of June, gradually in the restricted normal mode to move on. The teaching at the schools has started to step way back.

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: The students return already gradually in the schools. 25. May day-care centres should be open to all children.

Lower Saxony: The emergency care in the day-care centres is gradually extended, the return to the normal operation is for the 1. August planned. Students are to return to from the 15. June to have all the vintages back to teaching in the schools.

North Rhine-Westphalia: kindergarten children and pupils return to step way back. From the end of may all the students for a day to get the classroom, from the 8. June, in North Rhine-Westphalia, a limited rule of operation for all of the children in day-care centres and during the day parents start.

Rhineland-Palatinate: The teaching has gradually re-started, all of the students until mid-June to go back to school. The centers will be open until the summer holidays for all.

Saarland: In day-care centres and schools, it should, at the latest, up to the summer holidays, “a regular mode”.

Saxony: Saxony, day-care centres and primary schools in the restricted control operation for all the children to open. Students in secondary schools should at least partly be taught again in the schools.

Saxony-Anhalt: 2. June to return to the day-care centres and schools to a regular operation.

Schleswig-Holstein: From the 25. May want to start for other vintages back to the school. This applies to classes 1 to 3 primary schools and the year groups 8, 9 and 10 in community schools and high schools. 1. June should apply in the day-care centres a restricted control operation.

Thuringia: The local authorities could decide for themselves whether they are in the kindergartens, a limited operation to offer. No later than 15. June this is to start in all day-care centres. In the schools, at the latest after Pentecost, again all of the students in the classroom to participate.

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