Heinsberg-study: High Corona of unreported cases in Germany

You can see in the Video: Heinsberg-study – High-Corona-dark figure in Germany.

The municipality is Gangelt like no other place in Germany for an early and mass spread of the novel Coronavirus. A carnival meeting, it was Westphalia, to the site of infection in the severely affected district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia. How to spread the Virus there? The Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck a study of has studied. The final results confirmed that the mortality rate was higher in Gangelt at 0.37 percent, he says. “You can this is 0.37 percent, which we have determined is probably still very high, we even have indications that this number is lower. On this basis, one can make models for Germany. And if we assume now hypothetically that the case-fatality rate is 0.37 percent for Germany, you can expect to in fact high, that it would have to be in Germany, 1.8 million Infected.” 1.8 million Infected, which were reported more than ten times more than officially. A further aspect of the was published on Monday, Heinsberg-study: a Total of 22 percent of the Infected have shown no symptoms. In Gangelt, around 15 percent of the inhabitants were infected, according to the study, with the Virus. The researchers had interviewed 919 participants from approximately 400 households and tested.