Gastroscopy: Mini camera as a capsule to swallow?

A gastroscopy is not a pleasant procedure: A through the mouth of the imported hose is causing a gag reflex, and complications are not uncommon. In addition, the investigation can be carried out only by specially trained personnel, which leads to long waiting times. Remedy a Mini-camera that is swallowed as a capsule and from the outside in to create.

Completely wirelessly, in real time, the stomach inside to investigate, and the family doctor could soon become a reality. In the framework of the German Federal Ministry of education and research funded the nuEndo project inventors from the Fraunhofer Institute for reliability and micro-integration (IZM) in Berlin, together with two partners, a camera pill that is swallowed. Within twenty seconds, the camera enters the stomach and can be controlled by a magnetic guidance system from the outside, whereby a systematic examination of the Stomach contents is possible.

Gastroscopy küin the future, to the family doctor?

The whole procedure can be performed pain-free at the house doctor, and requires no anesthesia. Prof. Dr. Joerg Albert from the Robert-Bosch-hospital in Stuttgart and the clinical Partner of the nuEndo project, explained: "Through this non-invasive and pain-free procedure, a diagnostic gastroscopy is less suffering for patients acceptable, since they only need to swallow a small capsule and then relaxed in the investigation can participate."

Complete the procedure by the conventional gastrointestinal endoscopy will not replace, however, because the camera pill provides a lower image quality than in the case of a hose endoscopic examination. Nevertheless, with the help of the camera pills first diagnoses without long waiting times can be provided, which provide information as to whether further investigations are required.


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