What causes allergies on the penis

All our body at different points may be allergies, and this applies to the male penis. German urologists told that you need to know about this Allergy.

Allergy symptoms on the penis scare men much stronger than the appearance of a rash in any other area of the body. First, men are always a special thrill to the penis, and secondly, this Allergy can significantly disrupt sexual life. In most cases, this rash is harmless and causes only mild irritation, but sometimes the variety of Allergy to the penis can be a cause for serious concern and will take a long time for their disappearance. This Allergy may even be accompanied by pain.

Genital psoriasis. It leads to the appearance of shiny, dark-red stripes at the tip of the penis. Since this zone is usually covered by the foreskin, the rash persists for a long time. If you are faced with genital psoriasis, please seek help from a doctor.

Contact dermatitis. Causes itchy red rash that is a result of skin contact with some foreign substances. It is these substances and give rise to allergies, leading to irritation. Usually, this Allergy manifests itself in a few minutes or hours after contact with substances like perfumes, Soaps, some fabrics and so on. Check if you have used something new.

Diseases, sexually transmitted. Rash on the penis can be the consequence of sexually transmitted diseases, including pubic lice, and even syphilis. In this case, you need a visit to an experienced dermatologist or urologist.

Fungal infections. Did you know that most often the rash is a result of fungal infections? Often this infection affects people with a weakened immune system.

Balanitis. Disorder is observed in men, which preserved the foreskin, which is not too care about her hygiene. That is why underneath the breeding of bacteria, the remnants of the collected dead skin and perspiration. The foreskin covering the glans of the penis may swell, which will also lead to rash, redness and pain. Finally, the reason pokrasnenie to be elevated blood sugar. (READ MORE)