A Indian girl (17) suffered a long pain in the lower abdomen, but the Doctors were stumped. Then they found a strange growth in the stomach and found: The young woman was 17 years of her dead twin in itself. The world’s first case of this kind.
Doctors in India are not amazed when you have a 17-year-old woman presented. Over five years, you have had abdominal pain, as well as in your belly is a growth that appears to have been getting bigger and bigger. This proliferation seemed to be the reason for the pain, as she began to press on the organs of the young woman. In the case of a computer tomography the Doctors discovered a mass in her abdomen, which consisted of fat, tissue, and bone-like Gewülsten, which looked like vertebrae or Ribs.
Therefore they opted for a surgery to remove the indefinable ulcer. The Doctors analyzed the 30 centimeters long and 16 centimeters wide mass. The result was so amazing that they published it as a case history in the journal BMJ: It consisted of cheese-like Material, hair, teeth, and buds that would have formed from which at normal development in the womb, the limbs. The patient had worn for 17 years, the failed-formed, dead fetus of your twin in your body.
Worldwide, less than 200 cases are known
Fetus in Fetu, abbreviated as FIF is a very rare disease. According to estimates, it comes in a 500,000 births to a training of the syndrome. It occurs when a missing well-educated fetus moved during the pregnancy in its twin. Affected have included it after the birth of the alien fetus in her body, mostly in the belly area.
This fetus is not viable, but may grow uncontrollably and the various cell types forming. Worldwide so far, less than 200 cases have become known. Most of the Affected are male, and the strange overgrowth is removed due to the complaints already in the age of the child. Cases in people over 15 years globally, there were only seven, all of the patients were male. The 17-year-old Indian is now the eighth documented case and the first relates to a woman. The young woman has survived the report to a result of the Operation.
Also interesting: This twin tortured for 18 years with his brother – though he was never born
FOCUS Online/Wochit Also interesting: This twin tortured for 18 years with his brother – though he never was born