The ten biggest threats to Health in the year 2019
The world is facing numerous health challenges. New waves of infectious diseases such as measles and diphtheria, the increase in drug-resistant rates of enter pathogens, increasing obesity, the health effects of environmental pollution and climate change, as well as numerous humanitarian crises. The world health organization recently published a report on the ten biggest global health threats we face in the year 2019.
At the beginning of the year 2019, the WHO a new Five-year strategy plan to combat global health threats. According to the WHO, this Plan focuses on the self-imposed Three-billion-target: A billion people to get more access to General health care, a billion people will be against health emergencies protected and a billion people will generally enjoy better health and well-being. To excluded this purpose, the health organization of the biggest global threats, the need to fight against it.
Air pollution and climate change
According to the WHO, nine, breathe in a day of ten people, polluted air. The air pollution will be considered in 2019 as the largest environmental risk to health. According to the WHO, the microscopic pollutants from the air in the respiratory and circulatory system to penetrate and thus damage the lungs, heart and brain. This would be a year to seven million premature cases of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and lung disease. Around 90 percent of these deaths would take place in countries with low and middle income. Here are the emissions from industry, traffic and agriculture are particularly high. As the main cause for air pollution, the WHO announced the burning of fossil fuels.
Non-communicable diseases
According to the WHO, non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes, cancer and heart diseases for more than 70 percent of all global deaths (41 million people) are responsible. 15 million people succumb to already between the ages of 30 and 69 years of such diseases. Here, too, showed: Over 85 percent of these premature deaths in low-and middle-income. The WHO borders on five main risk factors for these diseases: tobacco use, physical inactivity, harmful alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and air pollution.
Global Influenza-Pandemic
The world will face another Influenza pandemic, predict the WHO experts. The global defense mechanisms are only as effective as the weakest link in the preparedness and response system. The WHO is monitoring constantly the spread of Influenza viruses in order to detect potential pandemic strains. Currently, 153 institutions in 114 countries working on the global Monitoring of the virus. From these data, the recommendations to emerge each year which strains should be included in the flu vaccines to people the best possible protection.
Crisis areas and poor basic services
As the WHO reports, more than 1.6 billion people (22 percent of the world’s population) in places where long-lasting predominance of the end of crises like drought, famine, wars and displacement of the population. Such conditions were associated in the rule with weak health services and poor basic services.
Resistant Germs
The development of antibiotics, antivirals and antimalarials, is one of the greatest Successes of modern medicine. The time for the effectiveness of these drugs could be according to the WHO soon come to an end. Increasing antibiotic resistance threaten us in a time to send it back, we infectious diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea and salmonellosis are no longer able to treat.
Ebola and other pathogens with a high pandemic Potential
In the year 2018, there was according to the WHO, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo-two Ebola outbreaks, which spread to cities with more than a Million people. Crises and rough terrain hampered the containment of the outbreak values. This shows that the context in which an epidemic breaks out, it can be critical for the development of a pandemic. The WHO reported that, in particular, Ebola, hemorrhagic fever disease, Zika, Nipah, corona virus (MERS-CoV) and SARS-have viruses, the potential for severe pandemics.
The reluctance or refusal prior to vaccination, despite available vaccines to promote according to WHO, the spread of preventable diseases. According to WHO, every year two to three million deaths per year are prevented by vaccination. A further 1.5 million deaths could be avoided if the tolerance for vaccinations, could the world be improved. The WHO refers to a lack of trust as one of the main reasons why people deliberately choose not to a vaccination.
The Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that causes flu-like symptoms. In about 20 percent of the cases a severe course, which can even be fatal. According to the WHO, Dengue fever represents, for decades, an ever-growing threat. The disease originally had to the tropical disease, spread, but increasingly also in more temperate countries. Meanwhile, 40 percent of the world are threatened by Dengue fever. Annually there would be approximately 390 million infections.
The research has made tremendous progress against HIV. However, the WHO has declared the epidemic is still a long way for defeat. Still every year, around one million people would die of HIV / AIDS. Estimated to be infected worldwide, around 37 million people living with HIV. Risk groups according to the WHO, a prostitute, people in prison, and gay men. In addition, the African areas were affected South of the Sahara, is particularly strong. Approximately 25 percent of all HIV infections would take place in this area. (vb)