Conceived after IVF children are more likely to suffer from asthma

Conceived through in vitro fertilization, children are significantly more likely to suffer from asthma. This is due to the fact that their mothers used a powerful drug to enhance fertility.

Tens of thousands of children in different countries, including Russia, which were conceived during in vitro fertilization, the risk of subsequently developing asthma. A new study by scientists from the Norwegian Institute of public health, who watched over the health of more than half a million children showed that IVF increases the likelihood of childhood asthma by 22%. Scientists believe that this is due to powerful drugs that moms take during procedures for the treatment of infertility and artificial insemination. In addition, its role in the occurrence of childhood asthma can play and the way in which with the embryo is treated before being placed in the uterus.

Since the first successful in vitro fertilization in the UK 40 years ago to light after this procedure appeared more than 8 million children. In the UK every year are born after IVF for 20 000 children in the USA, 60 000. Experts have repeatedly warned that that way the kids can then have certain health problems. Moreover, these problems are not conducting in vitro fertilization, and that their mothers suffered from infertility.

But Norwegian scientists have proved that, in itself, the IVF procedure along with applicable during the medications may play a significant role in the development of childhood asthma. Initially, it was established that conceived during the IVF children are 42% more likely to have asthma by 7 years, compared with those conceived naturally. But then children after IVF compared with their peers who were conceived naturally, but not immediately, but over many attempts with a duration of at least 12 months. It turned out that in this case, the risk of asthma in children from the first group are slightly reduced, but still remains high at 22%. Consequently, only approximately half of this additional risk explains the infertility of the mother, and the other half of the extracorporeal insemination procedure. (READ MORE)